Disunited Kingdom

Disunited Kingdom Boris Johnson in the face of Brexit   Source: Pixabay   Boris Johnson has been Prime Minister for just over a week. Westminster insiders, and the public alike, are not particularly convinced that he will make a success of it. Johnson...

Battle Royaume

Battle Royaume The Brexit Withdrawal Agreement is here – or is it? Source: Duncan Hull | Flickr During his 2015 UK general election campaign, the former UK Prime Minister David Cameron repeatedly stated that the voters were facing a choice between his party or chaos....

Theresa’s awful week

Theresa’s awful week UK Prime Minister juggling too many balls at the same time Now that the World Cup is over for England, the people will go back to focus on the other big ongoing match: the Brexit negotiation. The quitting of foreign minister Boris Johnson and of...

CFEP Personal views vol. 2 – Brexit

Brexit – Asymmetries and unforeseeable consequences for the European Union On June 23rd the British electorate will make one of the most momentous decisions about their own fate. When British Prime Minister David Cameron promised an unprecedented British...